That's all define( 'WP_MEMORY_LIMIT', '128M'); Modern Slavery Statement 2022 -

At The Rising Phoenix Vaperty, we are committed to promoting ethical practices and ensuring that modern slavery and human trafficking have no place within our operations or supply chains. We recognize our responsibility to take steps to combat these heinous crimes and protect the rights and dignity of individuals involved in our business activities.

Our Policies and Approach

  1. Ethical Sourcing: We maintain a strong commitment to sourcing products and services from suppliers who share our values and adhere to ethical standards. We seek partners who demonstrate a clear commitment to fair labor practices and human rights, ensuring that workers are treated with respect and dignity.
  2. Supplier Due Diligence: We conduct thorough due diligence processes to assess potential suppliers before engaging in any business relationships. This includes evaluating their policies, practices, and compliance with applicable laws and regulations regarding slavery and human trafficking.
  3. Employee Awareness and Training: We provide regular training and awareness programs for our employees to ensure they understand the risks and indicators of modern slavery and human trafficking. This empowers our staff to identify and report any suspicious activities or concerns within our operations or supply chains.
  4. Reporting and Whistleblowing Mechanisms: We maintain a reporting mechanism that allows employees, suppliers, and other stakeholders to report any suspicions or concerns related to modern slavery and human trafficking. We take such reports seriously and investigate them promptly and thoroughly.
  5. Continuous Improvement: We are committed to continuous improvement in our efforts to combat modern slavery and human trafficking. We regularly review our policies, procedures, and supplier relationships to identify areas for enhancement and ensure our practices align with evolving best practices and legal requirements.

Future Actions

As part of our ongoing commitment, we will take the following actions:

  1. Collaboration: We will collaborate with industry partners, stakeholders, and organizations to share best practices and resources in the fight against modern slavery and human trafficking.
  2. Supply Chain Engagement: We will work closely with our suppliers to encourage responsible practices and ensure they share our commitment to eradicating modern slavery and human trafficking from our supply chains.
  3. Transparency and Reporting: We will provide regular updates and reports on our progress in addressing modern slavery and human trafficking within our operations and supply chains. This includes making this Modern Slavery Statement publicly available on our website.


The Rising Phoenix Vaperty is dedicated to upholding the highest standards of integrity, ethics, and human rights. We will continue to take steps to combat modern slavery and human trafficking, working diligently to ensure that our operations and supply chains remain free from these egregious abuses.

This Modern Slavery Statement represents our commitment to transparency, accountability, and the protection of human rights. We will review and update this statement periodically to reflect our ongoing efforts and progress in addressing modern slavery and human trafficking.

For any inquiries or concerns regarding this statement or our approach to combatting modern slavery and human trafficking, please contact us at